Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's cold. No, seriously.

(Originally published Tuesday 28 February)

The temperature here has, for some reason, dropped by about five thousand degrees overnight. Walking back from the library a few minutes ago, a journey that is only about two minutes in duration, I could almost feel my nose freezing solid, shattering into a thousand pieces and then forlornly melting on the ground. On the bright side, I now have first hand experience of what absolute zero feels like. When they come calling for volunteers to trek to the Outer Nebula and out into deep space, I'll be ready.

A cynical man might think that I am writing about the weather because I have little else to write about. And this is indeed the case - I have spent the day having inordinate numbers of lectures, as well as a supervision, and for the remainder of the time have been huddled over a book about Administrative Law. This leaves very little time for anything worthy of writing about to actually occur. I could have written, instead, about the technicalities of judicial review, but frankly I'd rather saw my own face off.

In an extraordinarily exciting development, there were a few flakes of snow earlier today. In the event of it snowing properly, I will stop complaining about the cold, and regress back to my childhood. Fun will happen.

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