Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The joys of land law

(Originally published Tuesday 21st February)

Sitting in the college library today, my mind started wandering. It didn't go anywhere exciting, you understand; just read over my shoulder for a while, went outside for a breath of fresh air, and wandered aimlessly around the law section playing that old favourite, the Find The Oldest Book game.

Meanwhile, the rest of me was having much less fun. The reason for this was the vast tome in front of me, This book is, without a doubt, the biggest, heaviest book ever written. It makes the Encyclopedia Brittanica look like a pamphlet for a takeaway restaurant. I have no doubt that its mass is so great that it exudes its own significant gravitational force, which seems to be strong enough to pull my head down towards the table, and pull my eyelids closed. Strange thing, gravity.

Having provided some much-needed procrastination, away from the accusing stare of the blank page that should contain my essay, this post has served its purpose. At some point I might actually write a proper blog, but alas time does not allow. I must return to the library, and face the demons of land law head on. Preferably with a big stick.

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