Monday, March 13, 2006

The Mooting Grand Final

In case anyone was wondering why it's been so long since the last post, just ask my supervisors - those people who have set me thirteen thousand essays to write, and unholy numbers of books to read, in the last two weeks of term. Some day I may take vengeance...yessss, we will, precioussss, we will...we will takes the preciousss, put the fat hobbitses eyes out, make him crawl!!!


Anywho, it'd be a crying shame to have a post titled "The Mooting Grand Final" without any mention of said event. Confusion might occur. Essentially, it was a more hardcore version of the previous rounds of mooting (see earlier posts), with lots of Scary and High-Up People (tm) doing the judging.

Their probing and doom-laden questioning almost made me burst into tears, and I was sitting in the audience. And not even in the front row. Heaven alone knows, then, how the mooters themselves felt. I would imagine it was somewhat akin to having the flesh blasted off your bones by one of those machines they use, so I am told, to make Chicken McNuggets. But they all survived the onslaught admirably, with their flesh intact. Much applause.

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